Is your child often silent or having difficulties fitting in with friends in the school? My son Theo was - and today he is top student with many friends and a strong indpendency.

He was 8 years old, and had his whole life been clumsy. He could literally sit on the floor and fall.. He was also easy to break down, he cried a lot on the playground because the other kids never wanted to play with him and kept him out of the games.

I had been going through a name change myself and wanted to do the same for my son. I made the new numerology chart and changed his name. He knew that his name should change and he was a big part of deciding his new name. But what he didn´t know was, that he would change in mind and personality as well.

The cool thing about kids, is that they don´t know what will come - and they just live every day the same. But Theo changed - a lot - he is absolutely not as clumsy - and now he is much more happy.

The funny thing is, that when he is on the playground - he never cries anymore. Maybe he is not in all the games - but he is not sad when he isn´t - he just moves on to other kids.

It is amazing to see the confidence and happiness he now sends out - and when you are surrounded by good energies and vibrations, you send it out to others. And happiness attracts happy people.

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